The Spiritual Meaning Of Colors
Why are we attracted to specific colors and what do they mean spiritually?
Visible Light Frequencies
According to David Icke, we are only capable of seeing a limited range of colors and we are unable to see the frequency range beyond visible light. Icke believes that certain races of extraterrestrial beings called Reptilians operate on a different frequency outside visible light and manipulate our current reality through Illuminati families.
Colors Beyond The Veil
Through Near Death Experiences, we have heard numerous times about people who temporarily passed on to the other side and upon their return, have stated that they saw various indescribable colors that we are unable to see within our current light frequency.
Photoreceptor Cells
Many people believe that dogs can only see in black and white, but the truth is, they can see limited colors as they only have approximately 20% of the cone photoreceptor cells that humans have. Photoreceptor cells are the part of the eye that controls our perception of color.
Our bodies have seven energy receptors of life force and prana called chakras. Each chakra vibrates and responds to a different color. The word, chakra, is Sanskrit and means “wheel” or “turning, but in yogic context, chakra means ‘vortex’ or ‘whirlpool’.
In her book, True Balance, by Sonia Choquette
, she mentions how to use the color green if you are sad or depressed. A non-spiritualdescription of this color is often associated with envy (as in green with envy) but Choquette advises to go outside in nature and observe all of the ‘green’ around you because through nature and the predominance of the color green, it will lift your spirits.
“When the heart center is balanced, we actually establish energetic resonance with others, entering into a common vibration. We’ve all had these spontaneous heart-based connections, such as when we encounter someone we instantly like or feel as though we’ve known in the past. The Universe is a hologram aware of all of its parts at all times, and when we move into our heart chakra, we shift into this holographic vibration. This allows the Universe to fill any void that we may be experiencing in our life, giving us exactly what we need, brining us our heart’s desire.”
Your lower three chakras govern your physical drives and urges in this 3rd dimensional reality while the upper four chakras are more spiritual in nature. In order to clearly access the upper four chakras, one needs to work on his or her lower three chakras through ‘chakra clearing’.
I have several Himalayan Salt Lamps
which exude an orangish-yellow color and help to keep my lower chakras in balance while eliminating negative ions within a specific range of my lamps. My daughter has a slight case of asthma which is immediately eradicated when she’s near her Himalayan salt lamp. When lit, the color of the Himalayan Salt Lamp strongly resonates with your sacral and solar plexus chakras.
Honoring The Elements
Many indigenous cultures not only honor all aspects of life, but directions as well. Each direction of north, south, east and west have a corresponding element and color:
Candle Colors and Wicca
Colors play a strong role for those who are of the Wicca faith:
Brown – Used for: Animals, comfort, security, home, centering, hesitation, neutrality, uncertainty, invoking the earth for benefit. Deity of brown candles- Gaia, Dagda, Danu.
Indigo – Used for: Deep relaxation, restful sleep, to invoke the righteous spirit in you when doing good work. Deity of indigo candles – Brigid.
Gold – Used for: Wealth, generosity, prosperity, sun magic. Deity of gold candles – Lugh, Pwyll, Balor.
Silver – Used for: Intuition, dreams, cancellation, neutrality, stalemate.
Dark Blue – Used for: Impulsiveness, depression, changeability, to create confusion (use with white candles or you can create confusion in self). Deity of white candles – Dwynn.
Blue Back – Used for: Wounded pride, broken bones, angelic protection. Deity of blue black candles – Diantach
Dark Purple – Used for: Calling the power of ancient ones, sigils/runes, government. Deity of dark purple candles – Magog.
Red – Used for: Health, strength, physical energy, sexual love, passion, courage, protection, vitality, creativity.
Light Red – Used for: Deep affection of a non-sexual nature. Deity of light red candles – Brittannia.
Pink – Used for: Love, romance, honor, morality, friendship, compassion, relaxation, binding magic, young females. Deity of pink candles – Aeval, Epona.
Orange – Used for: General attraction, energy, assertiveness, endurance, encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, to seal a spell. Deity of orange candles – Gubba.
Yellow – Used for: Intellect, confidence, divination, charm, communication, eloquence, travel, movement, happiness, success, self esteem, attraction, persuasion, healing. Deity of yellow candles – Diantach.
Blue – Used for: Protection. Deity of blue candles – Angus.
Green – Used for: Prosperity, employment, fertility, honey, healing, growth, nuturing love, finance, luck, agriculture, invoking the Goddess of regeneration. Deity of green candles – Bomba.
Mint green – Used for: Financial gains, used with gold or silver. Deity of mint green candles – Pridderi
Light green – Used for: To improve the weather. Deity of light green candles – Tyrannis.
Light blue – Used for: Healing, peace, psychicism, patience, happiness, inner peace, friendship, tranquility, understanding, protection of home, young men, protection of new buildings. Deity of light blue candles – Hertha.
Purple – Used for: Power, healing severe disease, spirituality, meditation, religion, inner power, tension, ambition, business progress. source
Crystals and Gemstones
Certain colored gemstones and crystals have specific properties and benefits, many of which align to either your chakras or to similar descriptive benfits as the candle colors:
For a more thorough description of any specific gemstone or crystal, please see: Crystals And Gemstones For Healing
While some people may be able to pass a lie detector test, your aura will never lie. According to wiki, the aura is “a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person”.
You can learn how to see your aura here: How to See Your Aura: Tips and Tricks!
The colors of your aura reflect the same colors as your chakras. For example, if your aura is red, orange or yellow, it shows that there are some physical, mental or sexual areas in your life that need addressing. Once your lower root chakras are balanced, you’ll begin seeing an aura that will be green, blue, indigo or violet, which correspond to the heart, throat, 3rd eye and crown chakra. While many people will have differing opinions on the ideal aura color, it is this writer’s opinion that green shows the most balance. Please keep in mind that there are no “bad” aura colors as each color has a lesson to teach us about ourselves.
For more on what each aura color means, please see: How to Read Auras: What is the Meaning of Each Color?
The colors you use in every day life, whether they are in the clothes you’re wearing right now, the color of your car or even the color you painted your walls, can tell a lot about you.
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