Thursday, December 3, 2015

Creativity is the greatest form of rebellion.”

                                Creativity is the greatest form of rebellion.”

There is in fact only one way to change the world: change yourself. Self-change comes from self-creation. Healthy self-creation comes from tapping into interdependent Source through proactive independence. After we’ve questioned our worldview down to its roots, it’s time to build a new more flexible sense of self, a more adaptable disposition toward the vicissitudes of life. And there is no process more powerful than the artistic process. Art has a way of shattering molds. Even art created within a mold somehow defies the original mold. And when the self is the canvas, we free ourselves to break as many molds as possible, and the latent capacities that we discover are conceivably endless. Within the creative process, boundless wisdom awaits. It is boundless precisely because of the dissipation of fear and the embracing of vulnerability. Indeed, fearlessness is the core of the creative process.

Art can help us become fearless because when we surrender to the creative process we are surrendering to cosmic forces that transcend fear. If we’re doing our art well, there is no fear. There is no holding back. There is no time to be a miser with our energy. When we are tapped into the overflow, seeing with over-eyes, thinking with no-mind, there is no time to be afraid of fullness because creatively emptying is our salvation. The overflow is like a tidal wave that comes from the Well of Creativity (experience, adventure, reading). It fills us up so we can then filter such energy through the sieve of our own unique soul, transform it therein, and then pour it out into the sacred energy of our art. You want to disrupt the disrupters? Permit yourself to overflow, to use your art as a tactical action plan that can guide us all toward the elusive horizons of collective happiness and sustainability, to build new compasses of creative rebellion that defy outdated currents and streams and enable the circumnavigation through new straits.

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