Thursday, February 25, 2016


How To Align Vibrations
Vibrational alignment, which can occur with objects and with people in the world around you, happens naturally, when you are “in tune” with them. When you make a point to focus on and enjoy a beautiful sunny day, for example, your brain begins to harmonize with the frequency of the earth, and the alpha state of relaxation and enjoyment generally occurs without effort. In the same way that the mind is able to “tune in” to the frequency of the sunny day, it can also align with other occurrences, people and even objects.
The key to achieving vibrational alignment with any person or object is focus. By bringing attention on that object, recreating it in detail in your mind, your brain produces signals that are the same as they would be if you were already in the presence of that person or thing. This is useful to know because the act of visioning can help you turn your thoughts into reality.
Your vibrational energy increases with the level of emotional energy. If you are hoping to attract more joyful outcomes, then you will need to be in joy. If you are feeling negative, chances are you attract more negative outcomes because of the vibrations that you exude. Hence, to align with vibrations require you to be aware of your feelings. You become intent on moving up the scale to feeling positive throughout the day.
Manage Your Vibrations
You magnetize or draw the events, objects and people based on your vibrations. The Law of Attraction simply states that “like attracts like”. In the same way that your mind can seek out vibrational frequencies to tune in to, other people, objects and things are also seeking frequencies to become aligned with. If your thoughts are focused on something other than your deepest desires, whatever the focus of your thoughts is, similar energy will be drawn to you.
The thoughts that occupy your mind are energy. What you focus on expands. The energy that your brain releases into the world reacts with other energy sources that it encounters. When the mind is focused on abundance, abundance is drawn to you. When the mind is focused on lack, however, more lack is likely to result.
There is no detailed program or complex formula for frequency alignment. To align your vibrations with the things that you most desire, allow yourself to become “tapped in, tuned in and turned on” – a phrase that Abraham regularly uses. To change your circumstances, it is impossible to control all external conditions but what you can do is to change your vibrations. And once you gain mastery, you will activate the Law of Attraction in your favor.
Quotes on Vibrations
The following are quotes on Vibrations that came from Abraham:
No one can deny you or grant you anything. It all comes to you by virtue of your vibration.
When you offer a vibration, the Universal forces are working in concert with each other in order to satisfy you. You really are the center of the Universe.
Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that’s what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability, because it doesn’t take very much life experience to discover you can’t control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you’ve controlled everything that has anything to do with you.

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