Sunday, February 22, 2015


"We live in an ocean of motion"

Our thoughts are on a certain vibrational frequency and hence is part of the vibrating universe. The Law of Attraction, which is based on The Law of Vibration, states that we attract what we are sending out. Hence positive energies attract positive energies and negative energies attract negative energies.
Our thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space. Thought is the most potent vibration - so this means you can attract to you what you want and wish for.
Learn about the Power of Thought and how they make ripples in the sea of energy we call the universe, consciousness, the formula for success, universal Laws and more by getting the Free Make A Ripple Make A Difference e-book

In 1910 Wallace D. Wattles wrote "The Science of Getting Rich".
He speaks of a thinking stuff from which all things are made:
"Everything you see on earth is made from one original substance, out of which all things proceed".
"There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created."

The Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration go hand in hand

When you know that your thoughts and emotions are vibrating ( Law of Vibration) and you know that "like attracts like" (Law of Attraction) you will appreciate that you can now start to alter your life just by altering your thoughts and emotions.
Unfortunately many of us are "programmed" from childhood to have thoughts and emotions about worry, fear, scarcity and so on.
If you change these patters of thoughts and feelings you will be able to attract into your life what you truly want.
Mike Dooley is an author with the bestselling book The Art of Living Your Dream. He is also the founder of "Notes from the Universe" which are short emails with often humorous reminders of life's magic and your divinity. In one of his Notes he talks about how we should think of our dreams as they have already happened which of course is one of the key elements of the Law of Attraction in order to send out the right vibrations (The Law of Vibration).
Just once a day, imagine the life you dream of. Believe that it can be yours in this world of magic and miracles. Choose to live as if you know of its inevitable manifestation. Don't compromise. Don't worry. Don't look for results. And as surely as spirit crafts one moment after another, so too will it fuse together the life you now lead with the life of your dreams as if they were two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, destined to become one.

So, why have many people failed at getting what they wish for? Why doesn't the Law of Attraction work?

Magnetic ForceIt does work as long as you send out the right vibrations. The Law of Vibration never fails. Everything vibrates. Experts in the Law of Attraction. say that you must do more than just make a wish.
Your emotions and feelings must also be aligned with what you wish for. It is not enough to merely ask for it if you do not truly have emotions and feelings that are in harmony with that wish. You need to "fall in love" with what you want in order to be in the correct vibrational state.
If you ask for more money through prayer, meditation or just by wanting it - it will not help you if your emotions and feelings are programmed to think that money does not grow on trees, or that you do not deserve to be rich, or that you cannot handle being rich etc.
If you grew up in a family where your father or mother (or both) always said: "do you think I am made out of money - we can't afford that" - then most likely you are programmed to believe this to be true.
Your subconscious mind has a different belief system than what you are wishing for. Hence your inner feelings and emotions are not aligned with your wish. These beliefs are thousands of times stronger than desires and wishes. So if you desire something like a new house or getting a new job it will not happen if your beliefs are "I can't". The beliefs win every time.
We all have built a blueprint in our mind (subconscious) of what we regard as true and what we believe in. This blueprint has been sculpted for years through your childhood by your father and mother, by your brother and sisters, by your friends, by what you read in the newspapers, by what you see on TV, by what you learn in school and so on.
If suddenly new information is presented to this blueprint it will not automatically be added. You can ask for more money of financial wealth everyday for several years and nothing will ever manifest as the Law of Attraction preaches because your subconscious is not aligned with that desire. This is the reason why so many people who attempt to change their lives using the Law of Attraction fail.
In order to change your belief system you can start applying affirmations.
"Reprogram" your subconscious mind with a new belief system. Believe that anything is possible, believe that you are rich, that you deserve to be rich, that you are happy, that you are healthy and so on. Make a list of positive affirmations and read them to yourself every day. Say to yourself those things you want to be or believe in.

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