Friday, November 27, 2015


Meditation and Art

While “regular” art classes primary (if not only) interest is the end product (whether it be a painting, sculpture, composition or dance), Meditative Art classes place the inner state of the artist as the main focus. The process of creating is also given importance, and the creator is both an artist and a witness, attentively observing the process as it takes place.
‘Why do I create?’ and ‘what for?’ are important questions that anyone who creates should ask themselves. For ones who practice Meditative Art, these questions are only a starting point on the search for meaning. Deeply inquiring ‘from where does a creation comes from?’ and ‘who is creating?’ can lead one to a meditative state from which real art can be reached.
Letting go of old expectations and conditioning as well as loosening one’s attachments towards their personal creativity is an essential part of the preparation needed in order to create from a meditative state of mind. Only when we are free to create or to let creation flow through us can we actually be “truthful” in our art. In this sense Meditative art can be seen as a part of a spiritual path and also as the end result.


Meditative Art is a spiritual practice, it is not Art Therapy

Art therapy is defined by the British Association of Art Therapists as “a form of psychotherapy that uses art media as its primary mode of communication”. As all therapies, art therapy aspires to help. The patients express themselves with the use of different forms of arts to release and resolve emotional difficulties and heal old
Another term that can be confused with Meditative Art is the contemporary term “Intuitive art” which aims to let one create without being limited to social conception, yet has no connection to spirituality. traumas. Meditative Art on the other hand brings one to the present moment, makes them aware and attentive, peaceful and quiet, connecting them to their ‘higher self’ or a higher power.

Just a few words on materials

Meditative Art can be naturally applied with the use of natural materials; this is not obligatory, yet the connection is not only traditional but also simply makes sense. Through playing with earth, wood and other natural materials one can connect to the basic elements and their qualities. Learning from their wisdom be can connect through them to the source.

Meditative Art Retreats

Meditative Art has always been an integral part of spiritual search. This can be seen whether we look to the east or the west. While many of the old arts and their wisdom are sadly disappearing from our world, the essence that lies beneath them can never die. Meditative Art School was created to help bring this essence into today’s creativity.  We do so through our Meditative Art & yoga retreats that take place in especially inspiring locations around the world.
In all our programs we teach the theory and practice of  Meditative Art along with daily practice of yoga and meditation. We emphasis an exploring a wide range of natural materials and observe the way the materials affect us.  

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