Sunday, June 19, 2016

The moment you think you have things figured out, life will always offer you a gift disguised as an incredible challenge that will force you to grow into an upgraded version of your outdated current comfortable self.

The moment you think you have things figured out, life will always offer you a gift disguised as an incredible challenge that will force you to grow into an upgraded version of your outdated current comfortable self. We often forget we are riding on a spinning ball flying through the universe at a thousand miles per hour. Life is in constant flux, people will come and go, relationships will blossom and fade and life situations will change. We tend to fiercely grip onto what is comfortable even if it's not what's best for our highest good. Let go and trust that the universe has a divine plan for us and in the midst of chaos and change, say a prayer of gratitude for the lessons and upgrades you are receiving, for they are stepping stones to your highest self.

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