Saturday, October 10, 2015



Sexual Energy
Circulating sexual energy is a natural cycle we have forgotten a long time ago, and is intrinsically linked to our spiritual development in this world.
The hardest part of conserving the sexual energy for any man is the transition phase. It is initially a shock for a body that has been expending sexual fluids externally for its entire lifetime to suddenly stop and reverse the process to the inside rather than the outside.
What must be understood firstly is the fact that orgasm and ejaculation are two separate processes that do not necessarily have to complement each other, and the two can be separated by the mind and especially the PC muscles(the muscles that surround the prostate, the huiyin or perineum).
The healing power of orgasmic energy has its utmost potential when whole body orgasms are experienced.
An ejaculatory orgasm is situated in the genital region only, but when orgasmic energy is drawn up by the mind to higher channels from the genital region, it can be circulated into the microcosmic orbit to reinvigorate other parts of the body.
Before you can even dream of drawing this creative power upwards you need to stop ejaculating, which sends all the power outwards!
“Your spirit resides in your Upper Dan Tian(Third eye area), and when it is amply supplied with Qi, it is “raised,” or energized. If the Qi stopped nourishing your brain and spirit, you would lose your mental center, your judgment would become faulty, and you would become depressed and mentally unbalanced.” – Dr Yang Jwing Ming, The Root of Chinese Qigong.
The microcosmic orbit is the circuit of energy that runs around the body of a balanced healthy individual. The human body is a microcosm of the universe and just like the solar system has a central sun (solar plexus) and an orbit of energy circulating around it, so do we all have this layout playing out within us.
This orbit, which loops up the spine to the head and down the front to the navel, genitals and perineum, is recognized by acupuncturists as the main energy channel in the body linking the various organs, glands, and brain.
It is important for a person to understand the direction and path this circuit flows around the body. Most important of all, it is paramount to determine whether you don’t have any blockages within the two main channels that can prevent the free flow of the energy/chi/etheric energy.
There is the conception vessel, starting from the huiyin cavity(midway between the anus and the genital region) which flows from the huiyin up to the navel, chest, up the throat to the tip of the tongue where it links to the Governing Channel.
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Figure 1: Microcosmic Orbit
At the back is the governing vessel (or Yang channel) which also starts from the perineum and moves up the tailbone and up the spine to the crown of the head and then down the forehead into the top palate.
The whole circuit becomes one with the help of the tongue (Yin/Yang linking vessel) that connects the two and allows them to circulate as one. Physically connecting the tongue to the palate is crucial in most Qigong practice.
“Chinese Qigong practitioners believe that the Qi must be full and circulate strongly in these two vessels, for then they will be able to govern the entire body’s Qi effectively. They also believe that as a child you continually move the abdomen while breathing, which keeps the path of these two vessels clear. However, as you get older and gradually lose the habit of this abdominal movement, the path becomes obstructed and the Qi circulation weakens. The most significant blockage can occur in the Huiyin cavity (Co-1)” – Dr. Yang Jwing Ming, The root of Chinese Qigong
The once secret method to circulate the extra JING energy is from the Huiyin, through the coccyx and up the spine to the top of the crown and back down again down the forehead through the palate and tongue, down the throat, chest, solar plexus and to the navel center where the energy can be stored.
The navel chakra is the storehouse of chi energy and is the primary area where you need to store energy after all inner alchemic exercises involving bio-electric/chi energy.
Working with bio-electric energy(chi) in your body can be just as dangerous as a fast-food chef doing an electricians job… especially when there is a very high current involved due to the introduction of sexual energy into the orbit, which changes the dynamics and potentials of everything!
There are four channels that need to be clear and unobstructed, these are the Huiyin Co-1, Coccyx or Chang Chiang GO-1, mingmen GO-4, chi-chung GO-6 and Yu-Chen or the cranial pump BL-9 (The cranial pump is the cranial nerves exchanging information with the brain and various parts of the body).
From my experience the practice of yoga is the best way to open up these channels which may well be blocked in most individuals following western modern lifestyles. Esp. the Huiyin.
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Figure 2: Governing Vessel
Try an experiment. Use one finger to press firmly at your Huiyin cavity while your abdomen is moving in and out.
You will discover that the Huiyin cavity moves up and down in sync with the in and out motion of the abdomen. It is this up and down motion of the perineum which keeps the Huiyin cavity clear for Qi circulation.
The Huiyin is also known as the magic gate in Qiqong circles, because it is believed that the success and failure in training all depends on grasping the trick of holding up the cavity while doing breathing exercises, which should always be smooth and easy…
When you force and squeeze too tight you cause the chi to stagnate there which causes problems. In Qigong practice one should never use force, Chi flows like water and is lead by the mind like a river.
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Figure 3: Huiyin Cavity
You should by now realize that if you wish to practice sexual kungfu that you need to make sure your body would be able to circulate the sexual energy otherwise you will experience problems.
Some of these might include prostate problems, back ache, head ache or nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) – This is just the natural way for the body to relieve itself of too much Jing centered in one area due to the inability to be circulated.
The above mentioned channels of figure 1 are concerned only with getting the Jing Chi up to the brain which is only halfway around the microcosmic orbit.
From the crown of the head the extra Jing Chi needs to be circulated down the Yin channel (front side) of the body.
You do not want an overload of energy to stick around in your head as your brain overheats easily and again this entails its own side-effects which may include irritability, anxiousness, headache, hallucinations, overthinking and unwelcome feelings and emotions.
One should always make sure that one is in a good emotional space before arousing the coiled serpent, as sexual energy is well known for increasing the feelings in the psyche exponentially  of that which is already present.
In the third article of this series you can learn more on further information relating to the circulation of Jing and techniques to draw orgasmic energy upwards.


Circulating sexual energy is at the start a conscious process for a beginner, but eventually it all occurs naturally as your DNA remembers lost instinct.
If you have not read Part I of this publication, you can read it here.
The Jing Chi you have drawn up to the head now needs to lead back down before it starts causing problems like those mentioned earlier in part I.
In order for you to do this you need to at first systematically meditate through each energy center from the head down, until you get down to the navel. A sensitivity to ethereal energy/chi should be cultivated to be sure that your mind has the will to lead this energy.
Again it will be wise for you to find out that you do not have any blockages in the Yin channel for example the palate, throat, heart or solar plexus, as this will be the route down to the navel where energy can be safely stored.
Remember to always use the tongue during practice to link the yang & yin channels. Also, never do any energy work within two hours after eating, as digestion needs lots of your energy to process food.
Another helpful tip is to avoid urinating within one hour of doing any practice, especially after circulating sexual energy, as the vortex of the outgoing urination causes a seepage of all the chi that was built up during the session.
circulating sexual energy4
Now that all the basics have been covered, it is time to learn how to practice the first technique which separates ejaculation from orgasm. This information is primarily for men who want to start circulating their sexual energy to higher centers in their body.
The Big Draw is a term first coined by Mantak Chia, it involves stopping all stimulation once you start feeling that orgasmic climax (the point of no Return) is drawing near.
Whether you master this practice or not will mostly depend on the strength of your PC muscles(muscles surrounding the outside of the prostate) and the amount of control you have over them.
These muscles surrounding the prostate between the genitals and the anus needs the power to lock the sperm inside after every involuntary orgasmic spasm which usually sends the sperm racing to the outside world, leaving the man tired and exhausted.
The contraction of the PC muscles will of course be voluntary on your side, if you are new to this practice you will probably have to strengthen these muscles if you have never used them before – this involves simple breathing excercises involving the coordination of contraction of the pc muscles and the breath, such as in Buddhist breathing, which I will expand on later.
circulating sexual energy5
In the Diagram above you will see all the techniques you need to know as a beginner to stop sexual energy from leaking during orgasm. Solo practice at first is best, as it is much easier learning to tame the hot Jing energy without the presence of your lover. You will need to feel the body internally, this is very much a sexual meditation.
A standing position with the back straight(aligning the path of the Yang channel) is preferred at first.
After stimulating yourself until you near the point of no return you stop, close your fists tight, clamp the toes, take a deep breath in, squeeze the buttocks as tight as you can, contract the perineum, press the tongue to the roof of the mouth, lock the neck (hold the head back as far backwards as you can, although not tilted, to activate the cranial pump) and keep the mind focused on the crown of the head – this focus will cause a high potential and will summon all the orgasmic energy to the crown of the head from the coccyx up the spine…
Remember to keep the Yin channel linked up to the palate with the tongue so that the energy can circulate down to spread to the vital organs and to the navel center. Once perfected, you will experience rejuvenation and a new profound feeling of exhilaration about your sex life.
Sperm energy costs vital life force and high-quality nutrition, nutrition that is hard to come by in today’sGMO ridden food products, as a defense you can at least cultivate your inborn pre-birth chi to benefit yourself physically, emotionally and most important of all spiritually.
In Taoist, Buddhist and hindu tantric philosophy it is believed that in order to grow spiritually you need to give the seed a chance to sprout, grow and bloom, on top of the crown of the head… This of course relates to the retention of sperm and refining it to a higher quality.
This higher quality is called Shen Chi, Shen meaning spirit. In Qigong it is believed that Jing and Spirit are very much related, When Jing is strong the spirit can be lifted and the governance of çhi across the whole body will be adjusted to achieve perfect balanced health.
It does not take very long to get a hang of it, and once you do, you can start practicing it with a partner. Dual cultivation can lead to even greater gains of mutual healing energy for both partners!
This, of course, will depend on the spiritual progress of both partners partaking.
About the Author
Arno Pienaar is a Staff Writer for and a specialist deprogrammer of matrix-based constructs. A mere 24 years of age, he has worked in various Game Reserves across South Africa as a field guide and connected with nature on a soul level. He is currently residing and working in Thailand, and is open to any possible broader online communities to expand his message. Any donations to inspire a Deprogramming Healing Center in the province of Nan is highly needed, this is his mission right now. He is also open to any other contacts in this line of work to collaborate with. You can contact Arno on the Facebook link provided.
This article first appeared on and has been republished with permission.
Thanks to energyfanatics for this article.
Yvonne Holterman


Yvonne has always been curious of the world around me. She takes people's interest at heart. From an early age she developed psychic abilities, but likes to class herself as a guidance councilor. Her motto is: what doesn't kill you makes you strong!


Sexual Energy
Circulating sexual energy is a natural cycle we have forgotten a long time ago, and is intrinsically linked to our spiritual development in this world.
The hardest part of conserving the sexual energy for any man is the transition phase. It is initially a shock for a body that has been expending sexual fluids externally for its entire lifetime to suddenly stop and reverse the process to the inside rather than the outside.
What must be understood firstly is the fact that orgasm and ejaculation are two separate processes that do not necessarily have to complement each other, and the two can be separated by the mind and especially the PC muscles(the muscles that surround the prostate, the huiyin or perineum).
The healing power of orgasmic energy has its utmost potential when whole body orgasms are experienced.
An ejaculatory orgasm is situated in the genital region only, but when orgasmic energy is drawn up by the mind to higher channels from the genital region, it can be circulated into the microcosmic orbit to reinvigorate other parts of the body.
Before you can even dream of drawing this creative power upwards you need to stop ejaculating, which sends all the power outwards!
“Your spirit resides in your Upper Dan Tian(Third eye area), and when it is amply supplied with Qi, it is “raised,” or energized. If the Qi stopped nourishing your brain and spirit, you would lose your mental center, your judgment would become faulty, and you would become depressed and mentally unbalanced.” – Dr Yang Jwing Ming, The Root of Chinese Qigong.
The microcosmic orbit is the circuit of energy that runs around the body of a balanced healthy individual. The human body is a microcosm of the universe and just like the solar system has a central sun (solar plexus) and an orbit of energy circulating around it, so do we all have this layout playing out within us.
This orbit, which loops up the spine to the head and down the front to the navel, genitals and perineum, is recognized by acupuncturists as the main energy channel in the body linking the various organs, glands, and brain.
It is important for a person to understand the direction and path this circuit flows around the body. Most important of all, it is paramount to determine whether you don’t have any blockages within the two main channels that can prevent the free flow of the energy/chi/etheric energy.
There is the conception vessel, starting from the huiyin cavity(midway between the anus and the genital region) which flows from the huiyin up to the navel, chest, up the throat to the tip of the tongue where it links to the Governing Channel.
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Figure 1: Microcosmic Orbit
At the back is the governing vessel (or Yang channel) which also starts from the perineum and moves up the tailbone and up the spine to the crown of the head and then down the forehead into the top palate.
The whole circuit becomes one with the help of the tongue (Yin/Yang linking vessel) that connects the two and allows them to circulate as one. Physically connecting the tongue to the palate is crucial in most Qigong practice.
“Chinese Qigong practitioners believe that the Qi must be full and circulate strongly in these two vessels, for then they will be able to govern the entire body’s Qi effectively. They also believe that as a child you continually move the abdomen while breathing, which keeps the path of these two vessels clear. However, as you get older and gradually lose the habit of this abdominal movement, the path becomes obstructed and the Qi circulation weakens. The most significant blockage can occur in the Huiyin cavity (Co-1)” – Dr. Yang Jwing Ming, The root of Chinese Qigong
The once secret method to circulate the extra JING energy is from the Huiyin, through the coccyx and up the spine to the top of the crown and back down again down the forehead through the palate and tongue, down the throat, chest, solar plexus and to the navel center where the energy can be stored.
The navel chakra is the storehouse of chi energy and is the primary area where you need to store energy after all inner alchemic exercises involving bio-electric/chi energy.
Working with bio-electric energy(chi) in your body can be just as dangerous as a fast-food chef doing an electricians job… especially when there is a very high current involved due to the introduction of sexual energy into the orbit, which changes the dynamics and potentials of everything!
There are four channels that need to be clear and unobstructed, these are the Huiyin Co-1, Coccyx or Chang Chiang GO-1, mingmen GO-4, chi-chung GO-6 and Yu-Chen or the cranial pump BL-9 (The cranial pump is the cranial nerves exchanging information with the brain and various parts of the body).
From my experience the practice of yoga is the best way to open up these channels which may well be blocked in most individuals following western modern lifestyles. Esp. the Huiyin.
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Figure 2: Governing Vessel
Try an experiment. Use one finger to press firmly at your Huiyin cavity while your abdomen is moving in and out.
You will discover that the Huiyin cavity moves up and down in sync with the in and out motion of the abdomen. It is this up and down motion of the perineum which keeps the Huiyin cavity clear for Qi circulation.
The Huiyin is also known as the magic gate in Qiqong circles, because it is believed that the success and failure in training all depends on grasping the trick of holding up the cavity while doing breathing exercises, which should always be smooth and easy…
When you force and squeeze too tight you cause the chi to stagnate there which causes problems. In Qigong practice one should never use force, Chi flows like water and is lead by the mind like a river.
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Figure 3: Huiyin Cavity
You should by now realize that if you wish to practice sexual kungfu that you need to make sure your body would be able to circulate the sexual energy otherwise you will experience problems.
Some of these might include prostate problems, back ache, head ache or nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) – This is just the natural way for the body to relieve itself of too much Jing centered in one area due to the inability to be circulated.
The above mentioned channels of figure 1 are concerned only with getting the Jing Chi up to the brain which is only halfway around the microcosmic orbit.
From the crown of the head the extra Jing Chi needs to be circulated down the Yin channel (front side) of the body.
You do not want an overload of energy to stick around in your head as your brain overheats easily and again this entails its own side-effects which may include irritability, anxiousness, headache, hallucinations, overthinking and unwelcome feelings and emotions.
One should always make sure that one is in a good emotional space before arousing the coiled serpent, as sexual energy is well known for increasing the feelings in the psyche exponentially  of that which is already present.
In the third article of this series you can learn more on further information relating to the circulation of Jing and techniques to draw orgasmic energy upwards.


Circulating sexual energy is at the start a conscious process for a beginner, but eventually it all occurs naturally as your DNA remembers lost instinct.
If you have not read Part I of this publication, you can read it here.
The Jing Chi you have drawn up to the head now needs to lead back down before it starts causing problems like those mentioned earlier in part I.
In order for you to do this you need to at first systematically meditate through each energy center from the head down, until you get down to the navel. A sensitivity to ethereal energy/chi should be cultivated to be sure that your mind has the will to lead this energy.
Again it will be wise for you to find out that you do not have any blockages in the Yin channel for example the palate, throat, heart or solar plexus, as this will be the route down to the navel where energy can be safely stored.
Remember to always use the tongue during practice to link the yang & yin channels. Also, never do any energy work within two hours after eating, as digestion needs lots of your energy to process food.
Another helpful tip is to avoid urinating within one hour of doing any practice, especially after circulating sexual energy, as the vortex of the outgoing urination causes a seepage of all the chi that was built up during the session.
circulating sexual energy4
Now that all the basics have been covered, it is time to learn how to practice the first technique which separates ejaculation from orgasm. This information is primarily for men who want to start circulating their sexual energy to higher centers in their body.
The Big Draw is a term first coined by Mantak Chia, it involves stopping all stimulation once you start feeling that orgasmic climax (the point of no Return) is drawing near.
Whether you master this practice or not will mostly depend on the strength of your PC muscles(muscles surrounding the outside of the prostate) and the amount of control you have over them.
These muscles surrounding the prostate between the genitals and the anus needs the power to lock the sperm inside after every involuntary orgasmic spasm which usually sends the sperm racing to the outside world, leaving the man tired and exhausted.
The contraction of the PC muscles will of course be voluntary on your side, if you are new to this practice you will probably have to strengthen these muscles if you have never used them before – this involves simple breathing excercises involving the coordination of contraction of the pc muscles and the breath, such as in Buddhist breathing, which I will expand on later.
circulating sexual energy5
In the Diagram above you will see all the techniques you need to know as a beginner to stop sexual energy from leaking during orgasm. Solo practice at first is best, as it is much easier learning to tame the hot Jing energy without the presence of your lover. You will need to feel the body internally, this is very much a sexual meditation.
A standing position with the back straight(aligning the path of the Yang channel) is preferred at first.
After stimulating yourself until you near the point of no return you stop, close your fists tight, clamp the toes, take a deep breath in, squeeze the buttocks as tight as you can, contract the perineum, press the tongue to the roof of the mouth, lock the neck (hold the head back as far backwards as you can, although not tilted, to activate the cranial pump) and keep the mind focused on the crown of the head – this focus will cause a high potential and will summon all the orgasmic energy to the crown of the head from the coccyx up the spine…
Remember to keep the Yin channel linked up to the palate with the tongue so that the energy can circulate down to spread to the vital organs and to the navel center. Once perfected, you will experience rejuvenation and a new profound feeling of exhilaration about your sex life.
Sperm energy costs vital life force and high-quality nutrition, nutrition that is hard to come by in today’sGMO ridden food products, as a defense you can at least cultivate your inborn pre-birth chi to benefit yourself physically, emotionally and most important of all spiritually.
In Taoist, Buddhist and hindu tantric philosophy it is believed that in order to grow spiritually you need to give the seed a chance to sprout, grow and bloom, on top of the crown of the head… This of course relates to the retention of sperm and refining it to a higher quality.
This higher quality is called Shen Chi, Shen meaning spirit. In Qigong it is believed that Jing and Spirit are very much related, When Jing is strong the spirit can be lifted and the governance of çhi across the whole body will be adjusted to achieve perfect balanced health.
It does not take very long to get a hang of it, and once you do, you can start practicing it with a partner. Dual cultivation can lead to even greater gains of mutual healing energy for both partners!
This, of course, will depend on the spiritual progress of both partners partaking.
About the Author
Arno Pienaar is a Staff Writer for and a specialist deprogrammer of matrix-based constructs. A mere 24 years of age, he has worked in various Game Reserves across South Africa as a field guide and connected with nature on a soul level. He is currently residing and working in Thailand, and is open to any possible broader online communities to expand his message. Any donations to inspire a Deprogramming Healing Center in the province of Nan is highly needed, this is his mission right now. He is also open to any other contacts in this line of work to collaborate with. You can contact Arno on the Facebook link provided.
This article first appeared on and has been republished with permission.
Thanks to energyfanatics for this article.
Yvonne Holterman


Yvonne has always been curious of the world around me. She takes people's interest at heart. From an early age she developed psychic abilities, but likes to class herself as a guidance councilor. Her motto is: what doesn't kill you makes you strong!


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