Friday, January 9, 2015

Concepts Used in Art as a Painting Progresses ...and when you think its finished.....

Concepts Used in Art as a Painting Progresses ... and when 

you think its finished.....

If you're like me, you might love a piece you've just finished, but when you look at it critically some time 
later, you find fault. Below are some guidelines to help you decide whether or not a work is truly 
finished, and the best it can be. Use these concepts while the art is in-progress and when you think it 
might be done. Then go back a few days later and squint your eyes at it again!

ELEMENTS OF ART: line, texture, color, shape, form, value, space

PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN: repetition, balance, emphasis, contrast, unity

A: Did you plan carefully, make several sketches? Did you choose a color scheme wisely, use space 
B: Does the artwork show that you applied the principles of design while using one or more art 
elements effectively?


A: Did you explore several choices, generating many ideas?

B: Is the work your own rather than copied or traced?

C. Does it communicate your own perspective, and do it well?

A: Is the artwork outstanding and patiently done? Is it as good as hard work could make it?
B: Does it need any finishing touches?

Finally, look at the artwork from a distance.

Another idea: Turn the piece upside down, move it around the four orientations, for a brand new critical look!
Yet another idea: Look at a reflection of the art in a mirror to see what might not work. This is a Great 
practice, as an image when its Reversed, gives a clear indication of the composition and design 
elements, to see if they work or need adjustment....

Enjoy Happy art-making!

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