Inspiration --- Motivation and in between.....
If you feel you are looking for motivation then the chances are you haven’t yet found your reason why. This is the reason why you must do this, your reason why is ‘your magic fuel’, it is your inspiration.
As Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
Anything you’ve ever used motivation to start never amounted to much… Inspiration therefore is the magical ingredient for getting you the life of your dreams…
If you wish to do something big, then you will need inspiration not motivation. If you wish to achieve something that you want but are not inspired to do, then you will need careful timing and regular motivation. Otherwise known as perpetual torment…
However, by discovering your reason why to do something, or your reason not to do something (which is equally as important), then you are able to just do it, or just not do it… Discovering either a lack of or a stack of inspiration is applying the law of least effort and is going the natural way.
So you must find your own reason why to do something, and it must be your reason why. Not something your Mum or Dad said you should do, or your teachers, or your friends…or anybody. It has to come from Within you, from deep down- in the SOUL. Your Intuition when connected to your Soul is the key, and this is achieved thru Meditation or some form of inward retrospection, where you connect with the Observer -Soul, who does not judge or lie.
Everything you have achieved in your life came about through finding your reason why- which inspired you.
This thing you want to do… What reason why could inspire you to do it… Can you find inspiration, or will you require motivation… The secret to progress is to know your limitations and structure your way around them… Or to accept them and choose a different path…
If you think to yourself I need motivation, then the chances are you actually need inspiration.
Or if it is something of less importance to you, like say if you are like me I am inspired to work and do what I love. I am inspired to love life. I require motivation to sort out financial planning details as I find them boring.
But if I work on my reason why to complete them, I find this motivates me enough to get me past sorting them out.
If you consider these footsteps I’ve given you to help raise your level of consciousness and improve all sorts of areas of your life by making it easier… Can you feel how you are inspired to read them? Or are you motivated to read them? I suggest today you consider how this makes you feel…
And also consider, do I feel I could find the way to inspire myself to achieve my big dreams… Massive effort in the attainment of your dreams will never come from motivation, it can only be achieved by inspiration.
Now I’d like you to do this little exercise, it should make you feel good, and it raise your consciousness a little higher…
Consider someone you perceive as the sort of success you wish to become… Then consider, is the person inspired or not… Don’t judge it, just consider it…
When you’ve done that, then consider, did that person need motivation to start building their dream, or did they find their reason why to do it… You are not looking for the answer (as that will be obvious), you are using your subconscious mind to tap into their inspiration…
The person you perceive as successful may need the occasional bit of motivation when they’ve over done it… But in the main, they are solely fuelled by inspiration… Can you feel the difference…
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