One of the topics I am passionate about discussing and writing is brain wave entrainment – specifically in relation to changing our levels of consciousness and reality. Why? Because it is so powerful, simple and has a lot to do with unleashing the power of the mind and the human potential.
The starting point of the discussion is that any transformative change and any opening of our inner power and abilities comes from accessing deeper levels of consciousness. It doesn’t happen by thinking, analysing or wishing something. You need to change frequency – you need to tune in to a different channel.
This is where brain wave entrainment comes in. Entrainment means matching the rhythm or frequency of one system to another. In the case of brainwave entrainment it is entraining our brain to enter into a particular brainwave frequency, for example, Alpha or Theta frequency. Since the late 1920s scientists discovered that neural communications in our brain produce electric signal which when measured by an EEG device are read as a wave frequency or brain wave. Different levels of brain activity – and consciousness – are related to different brain wave frequencies.
For example in our normal waking consciousness, when we are at work or in a conversation, our brain usually in the Beta frequency range. When we are relaxed and chilled out and our level of consciousness starts deepening – we are in the alpha wave frequency – a slower wave than the beta. As our level of consciousness gets even deeper, we enter into the much slower Theta wave frequency where we are on the borderline between wakefulness and sleep. This is when for example, experienced meditators enter into a deep meditative state. During dreamless sleep, the brain enters into an even slower brainwave frequency – the Delta brainwave frequency.
So Why is changing or entraining our brainwaves a good idea?

The Goals:

By entraining our mind into deeper levels of consciousness such as the Alpha and Theta levels, we are accessing that part of the unconscious that is responsible for maintaining or changing our self-programming. Here are a few of the goals that can be reached through brain wave entrainment.
Enter deep meditative states: with all the mind, body & spiritual benefits associated with it
Self-hypnosis: Calk on your subconscious and super-conscious Self to re-program your deep neurology (fears, habits, traumas, blockages, etc)
Trance-state: Enter into deep shamanic states to have guidance, wisdom and visions. Understand parts of yourself that have been hidden from your waking consciousness.
Self-healing: Access the ability to communicate with and heal your physical body from pain and disease
Transformative change: Open up to new beliefs, perspectives and attitudes that are life-changing and deeply transformative

The Tools:

Brain wave entrainment is easily achieved through Binaural Beats and/or Isochronic tones. Basically binaural beats is when two different frequencies are played in the left and right ear channel thus producing a beat because of the difference between the two frequencies. The resulting frequency would be in the range of the desired brain wave – for example Alpha or Theta.
Listening to binaural beats is a little bit like listening to some relaxing background music or meditation music. A good fifteen to twenty minutes into the track the brain starts becoming entrained to the frequency. So if the binaural beat track is programmed to get you into an alpha state, your brain starts getting entrained into those frequency. As a result your mind becomes more relaxed and focused. Learning and gaining new knowledge is easier in this state. There are a lot of binaural beat stuff around but I always recommend OmHarmonics because of its high quality and effectiveness. It is also accessible through a smartphone app to carry with you wherever you are.

The Method:

Getting into the Alpha or Theta state is only part of the goal. You need to direct those state of consciousness into a desired outcome. Here is a suggested route or itinerary I recommend in the journey to self-programming through brain wave entrainment.
Getting in the Alpha state: I would recommend using Alpha frequency binaural beats for a couple of days first so as to get acquainted with with deeper levels. How does it feel? Notice how you are in a more relaxed and focus state. Keep getting familiar with this state of consciousness. While doing this I recommend focusing on something such as your breath or your body. As in meditation this helps in keeping the mind focused and in one place.
Staying in the Alpha state longer: Once you get the hang of it, the next step is to practice staying longer in this state and starting to utilise it. Practice visualisation on some goal you want to achieve or some change you want to realise. Perhaps releasing old fears or some emotions that are keeping you from moving forward. Or perhaps visualise a better you – more confident, charming, energetic, successful. You can use this state of consciousness to expand consciousness around your heart – feeling its intuition, guidance and strength.
Gliding in the Theta state: The Theta states are deeper. Sometimes its very hard to hang on in there because it’s easy to slip into sleep. But this level of consciousness can be very powerful. If you manage to direct your focus on something in this level – your would be accessing the master controls of the program. Since this level can be sustained very briefly (at least at first), I recommend using it for releasing intention. Why do I say release? Because intention is the act of shifting the focus of our intent from our waking consciousness (object of thought) to our deeper levels of consciousness that transcend thinking. There is a letting go from the grip of our thoughts into our deeper consciousness so it must be accompanied by trust and release. This is the true power of intention and manifestation.

Final Comment:

There are of course more methods and more ways one can use brainwave entrainment. Most people use it for relaxing the mind, focus and learning or as a meditation aid. These are all pertinent ways of using it. The above brief outline and recommendations will serve as a taster of how such a simple tool can help us achieve enormous results if used in the right way. It’s an opportunity not to be missed. I hope you can try it out for yourself, have amazing results and share your feedback to the community.