Thursday, July 30, 2015


La camera ottica può essere composta da una semplice scatola chiusa con un piccolo foro stenopeico su un lato che lasci entrare la luce. Questa luce proietta sul lato opposto all’interno della scatola l’immagine capovolta di quanto si trova avanti al foro.
Più il foro è piccolo e più l’immagine risulta nitida e definita. Il pregio maggiore di una camera così semplice è che tutti gli oggetti paiono a fuoco (anche se nessuno lo è), a prescindere dalla loro distanza dal foro: in altre parole il foro stenopeico si comporta come un obiettivo che non ha una sua lunghezza focale specifica.
Lo studio della camera ottica è molto antico: il primo scienziato ad occuparsene, nell’XI secolo, con largo anticipo sugli studi successivi, fu l’arabo Alhazen. I suoi studi sui raggi luminosi e sulla teoria della visione furono tradotti dal monaco Vitellione nell’opera Opticae thesaurus Alhazeni arabis.
Questo strumento risultava ancora usato nel XVIII secolo, da pittori come Bellotto e Canaletto (la cui camera oscura originale si trova al Museo Correr di Venezia), i quali grazie a questo strumento acquisirono quella precisione “fotografica” nel fissare i paesaggi che ancora li rende celebri. Gli effetti di una camera ottica sono presenti nel castello di Fontanellato, in provincia di Parma. E’ possibile infatti vedere proiettata sul muro l’immagine della piazza e delle persone che in essa si muovono.


Camera lucida – C’è un trucco dietro i ritratti perfetti. Tutorial
L'uso della camera lucida

Camera lucida – C’è un trucco dietro i ritratti perfetti. Tutorial

Massimi risultati in brevissimo tempo. Come disegnare o dipingere un ritratto perfetto, un paesaggio o una natura morta passando dalla fotografia alla carta o alla tela.  Utilizzando semplici fotocopie o con le lenti,  con la camera lucida, l’Iphon e l’Ipad. Se vuoi il metodo più semplice e efficace, clicca sul nostro link interno, gratuito, qui sotto. Se vuoi conoscere tecniche più antiche ed elaborate quali quelle delle lenti o della camera lucida, prosegui nella lettura di questo articolo, senza dimenticare, però, di leggere quello del link. Avrai una visione completa.
Ci siamo chiesti molto spesso, in particolar modo di fronte ai ritratti dell’Ottocento, così vicini alla verità della vita e del soggetto, come potessero i pittori raggiungere una tale perfezione fotografica. Il ritratto, infatti, è un genere particolarmente irto di difficoltà, se svolto a mano libera. L’identità e l’identificabilità di un volto si basano su rapporti irripetibili e spesso irrilevabili, ma non irrilevanti. La nostra fisionomia è praticamente unica proprio perché ognuno di noi ha occhi collocati a una certa distanza, altezza della fronte e del naso diverse da tutti gli altri, labbra sottili o carnose, bocca piccola o larga. Basta sbagliare di pochi millimetri e, sulla tela o sul foglio, noi dipingeremo o disegneremo un ritratto somigliante o vagamente somigliante, ma quasi mai identico a quello del soggetto da ritrarre. La precisione fotografica dei ritratti ottocenteschi si basa, in moltissimi casi, sull’entrata in uso e sulla diffusione della cosiddetta camera lucida, uno strumento portatile, dotato di una lente prismatica. Come funziona?

Lo strumento di rilevazione ottica per pittori, in una stampa della metà dell'Ottocento
Lo strumento di rilevazione ottica per pittori, in una stampa della metà dell’Ottocento

Dipingere o disegnare con una lente- Il pittore mette un foglio sul tavolo. Di fronte a sé pone il soggetto da ritrarre. Poi assicura al tavolo la struttura metallica della camera ottica che, grazie all’angolo del prisma, sembra proiettare sul foglio l’immagine che ha davanti. Al pittore basterà ricalcare l’ovale della faccia, le labbra, gli occhi, il naso per avere una guida perfetta su cui lavorare ed essere certo che il soggetto del dipinto è identico a chi ha posato poco prima. Più avanti, nell’articolo, vedremo che la tecnologia, attraverso Ipad ha ideato camere lucide di agevolissimo utilizzo. Ma ora occupiamoci, osservando il filmato delle operazioni che avvengono con il sistema tradizionale.
L’antenato delle camera lucida che abbiamo appena visto in azione è stato brevettato nel 1807 da William Hyde Wollaston . Le ottiche di base erano state descritte 200 anni prima da Keplero in Dioptrice (1611) , ma non esistono sono prove che Keplero o suoi contemporanei abbiano realizzato una camera lucida per la pittura. Certo è il fatto che se anche qualche pittore avesse messo a frutto quelle osservazioni ottiche, avrebbe . in ogni caso evitato di parlarne, in quanto parte dei segreti tecnici della bottega. Il termine camera lucida deriva dal fatto che la lente non deve essere chiusa in una scatola nera, ma resta nell’ambiente chiaro, senza che la luce interferisca sulla deviazione dei raggi che vengono proiettati sul foglio.
Nel 2001 , l’artista David Hockney rivelò, attraverso dirette sperimentazioni sul campo, che molti artisti come Ingres , Van Eyck , Caravaggio non avevano operato a mano libera, ma avrebbero contato potuto su dispositivi ottici , in particolare lo specchio concavo che consente di proiettare immagini reali
Ora la tecnologia mette a disposizione dei ritrattisti, degli artisti o degli appassionati un sistema più evoluto e sicuro, attraverso un’applicazione universale della camera lucida elettronica – pubblicata su App Store da Gibbs Studios – compatibile sia con il display dell’iPhone che con quello dell’iPad, ha un peso di circa 35 MB ed un prezzo di 4,49 €. Il sistema, come osserveremo nel filmato qui sotto, preleva la foto del soggetto da ritrarre e già la trasforma in un disegno che poi è semplicissimo da “ricalcare” sul foglio.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Why It May Be Time To Stop Drinking Milk For Good

At least cow’s milk that is. For how many years did the milk industry get away with touting the milk mustache as the badge of good health, providing us with all the calcium and protein we’ll ever need right? Today, the most informed researchers, both professional and casual know better. “Got Milk?” Not if you’re a pursuer of a healthy diet. Today’s processed milk is far from healthy and is essentially a dead liquid, devoid of any real nutritional value.
Twenty or more years ago, the move away from milk for most people was rooted in concerns about lactose intolerance, but today it’s the fact that plant-based alternatives are far healthier.
In recent years consuming milk has been linked to cancer, diabetes, asthma, acne and even weak and fragile bones. The alternatives, meanwhile, can be low in calories and fats, and often have the added appeal of new and interesting flavors.
In many Western countries, milk consumption has been falling since the 1970s, and due to more people informing themselves on the dangers of dairy, consumption is well below recommended levels and that is good news for public health and bad news for the milk industry. In 2010, the official Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended 2.5 cup equivalents (about 0.6 liters) of dairy products per day for children aged 4 to 8, and 3 cups for anyone over 8. Average consumption for adults in the US is at less than half the suggested intake.

Campaigns About Calcium and Bone Health Rooted in Misinformation

Part of milk being healthy for the human body was spurred by misinformation campaigns in the 1980s. Many myths were accepted as truths relating to calcium and bone health.
Pasteurized dairy contains too little magnesium needed at the proper ratio to absorb the calcium. Most would agree that a minimum amount of Cal. to Mag Ratio is 2 to 1 and preferably 1 to 1. So milk, at a Cal/Mag ratio of 10 to 1, has a problem. You may put 1200 mg of dairy calcium in your mouth, but you will be lucky to actually absorb a third of it into your system.
Over 99% of the body’s calcium is in the skeleton, where it provides mechanical rigidity. Pasteurized dairy forces a calcium intake lower than normal and the skeleton is used as a reserve to meet needs. Long-term use of skeletal calcium to meet these needs leads to osteoporosis. Dairy is pushed on Americans from birth yet they have one of the highest risk of osteoporosis in the world.
The pasteurization process only creates calcium carbonate, which has absolutely no way of entering the cells without a chelating agent. So what the body does is pull the calcium from the bones and other tissues in order to buffer the calcium carbonate in the blood. This process actually causes osteoporosis.
The type of minerals in any calcium food or supplement determines the absorption levels: Opti-Cal/Mag with Vitamin K2 is a co-enzyme complex, heat-stabled molecules that must be associated with another enzyme for them to perform their function in the body. It is necessary in the utilization of vitamins and minerals for proper delivery to the cell nucleus. For example, one study found that Opti-Cal/Mag complex is 8.79 times more absorbed into the blood than calcium carbonate and 2.97 times more than calcium gluconate. So you can obtain far more absorption from this type of supplement than any type of cow’s milk.
Last year, Karl Michaelsson at Uppsala University in Sweden and his colleagues published a paper which challenged the dogma that high milk consumption results in stronger bones. They followed 61,433 women over 20 years and 45,339 men for 11 years, and found that the more cow’s milk people said they drank, the more likely they were to experience a bone fracture during the study period. The risks were greatest for women: those who drank three or more 200-millilitre glasses of milk per day had a 16 per cent higher chance of sustaining a bone fracture than those who drank only one. What’s more, those who consumed more milk were also more likely to die during the study; the women who drank three or more glasses had double the chance of dying as those who drank one (
Michaelsson’s theory is that galactose, one of the constituent sugars of lactose, is to blame. When lab animals are fed modest amounts, equivalent to one to two glasses of milk per day for humans, galactose triggers premature ageing and shortens life expectancy due to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Theoretically, this could lead to bone loss and muscle damage — which would boost fracture risk — and also contribute to other diseases of aging, which might explain the increased mortality that Michaelsson recorded.
Other studies have similarly cast doubt on the link between a high calcium intake and a reduced risk of fractures, and increasing evidence is suggesting that the general population should change their dietary patterns when it comes to cow’s milk.
A 2005 review in Pediatrics showed that milk has no effect on preventing stress fractures in girls. In fact, the research linked higher milk consumption with higher fracture risk.
The message that estrogen builds fracture-resistant bones (prevents osteoporosis) has been hammered into women’s minds over the past 4 decades by the pharmaceutical industry, selling HRT formulas, such as Premarin and Prempro. Food also raises estrogen levels in a person’s body–and dairy foods account for about 60 to 70% of the estrogen that comes from food. The main source of this estrogen is the modern factory farming practice of continuously milking cows throughout pregnancy. As gestation progresses the estrogen content of milk increases from 15 pg/ml to 1000 pg/ml.
The National Dairy Council would like you to believe, “There is no evidence that protein-rich foods such as dairy foods adversely impact calcium balance or bone health.” But these same dairy people know this is untrue and they state elsewhere, “Excess dietary protein, particularly purified proteins, increases urinary calcium excretion. This calcium loss could potentially cause negative calcium balance, leading to bone loss and osteoporosis. These effects have been attributed to an increased endogenous acid load created by the metabolism of protein, which requires neutralization by alkaline salts of calcium from bone.”

Cancer Fuel

Of the almost 60 hormones, one is a powerful GROWTH hormone called Insulin- like Growth Factor ONE (IGF-1). By a freak of nature it is identical in cows and humans.
The foods you eat can influence how much IGF-I circulates in the blood. Diets higher in overall calories or in animal proteins tend to boost IGF-I, and there seems to be an especially worrisome role played by milk.
Consider this hormone to be a “fuel cell” for any cancer… (the medical world says IGF-1 is a key factor in the rapid growth and proliferation of breast, prostate and colon cancers, and we suspect that most likely it will be found to promote ALL cancers). IGF-1 is a normal part of ALL milk… the newborn is SUPPOSED to grow quickly! What makes the 50% of obese American consumers think they need MORE growth? Consumers don’t think anything about it because they do not have a clue to the problem… nor do most of our doctors.
Studies funded by the dairy industry show a 10% increase in IGF-1 levels in adolescent girls from one pint daily and the same 10% increase for postmenopausal women from 3 servings per day of nonfat milk or 1% milk.
IGF-1 promotes undesirable growth too–like cancer growth and accelerated aging. IGF-1 is one of the most powerful promoters of cancer growth ever discovered. Overstimulation of growth by IGF-1 leads to premature aging too–and reducing IGF-1 levels is “anti-aging.”
review published by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research in 1997 found that cancer risk paralleled milk consumption in numerous studies.
Milk Stripped Of Fat One of The Worst Offenders
People who eat more dairy fat or more high-fat dairy foods tended to beleanerand/or to gain less weight over time than people who eat less dairy fat. In studies that directly compared high-fat dairy to low-fat dairy, high-fat dairy was associated with better weight outcomes. None of the studies find links between high-fat dairy and higher weight, nor between low-fat dairy and reduced risk for obesity.
By reducing the fat, skim milk is certainly lower in calories, but authors of one study in JAMA Pediatrics – David Ludwig, of Boston’s Children Hospital, and Dr. Walter Willett, of the Harvard School of Public Health – believe lower calorie beverages do not necessarily mean lower calorie intake.
Consumers are being milked and skimmed in more ways than one. The promise of weight loss and healthier hearts by drinking skim/low-fat products is false and actually seems to cause weight gain. Then the milk conglomerates, many call them the milk monopoly, take the good fats they took away from you and sell it back to you at higher profit margins in other products.
Mario Kratz, PhD, a nutrition scientist and associate member at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle analyze 11 observational studies that evaluated the association between dairy fat and the development of risk factors for diabetes, such as elevated blood sugar and insulin levels. Of these 11 studies, six showed that higher dairy fat consumption was associated with markers of better metabolic health than low fat. Only a single study showed an association between higher dairy fat consumption and a marker of poorer metabolic health–and it was just one marker, the glycated hemoglobin value (an indicator of blood glucose concentration over time). As for the development of type 2 diabetes itself, of the eight studies that looked at this issue, three reported that high-fat dairy intake was associated with lower risk for diabetes…four found no association between full-fat dairy products and diabetes…and one had inconsistent evidence.
A study at Harvard in 2006 suggested that a high intake of skim milk can impair ovulation, while drinking whole fat milk can improve fertility. Those who are planning to get pregnant or are currently pregnant should stick to whole milk.
The preponderance of evidence does not support the idea that high-fat dairy promotes metabolic disease.
A previous study actually found that those who drank low fat milk had a higher chance of being overweight later on in life, according to Time Magazine.

Dairy Free Plant-Milks Are The Best Alternatives For Your Health

Plant-based milks may have other benefits as they are low in calories, which could be helpful for weight loss. There’s been extensive development in North America around non-dairy milk in the last couple years. Lately coconut milk and hemp milk have made great strides in the marketplace and are likely the two best alternative sources. Due to problems with soy (most sources are GMO and unfermented), it’s one non-dairy milk you should steer clear from. Almond and rice milk are two other options although not as nutritious as coconut or hemp.
Compared to cow’s milk coconut milk is easier to digest because the body uses 3 less enzymes for its digestion as opposed to cow’s milk. It also contains a high level of omega 3, 6 and 9 fats along with high amounts of amino acids. This excellent combination of fats and amino acids make it a complete meal in and of itself.
The high level of omega 3, 6 and 9 fats and protein in this milk are more bio-available to humans compared to all other animal fats and most vegetable fats. This bio-availability results in the body’s ability to assimilate all its nutrients.
It’s very healing to the digestive tract and even heals damage done to the system in cases of IBS, Crohn’s disease and severe malnutrition.
Coconut milk also helps maintain balanced blood sugar levels by being a good source of manganese. This mineral is usually deficient in people with blood sugar issues.
Hemp milk (also called hemp beverage) has a creamy consistency that tends to be a bit thicker than skim milk and other milk alternatives. It has a slightly nutty flavor (similar to almond milk).
Hemp seeds are rich in the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid ALA, and several hemp milk companies add additional hemp oil into their hemp beverages — so drinkers get the omega-3 benefits.

About the Author
Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

How to make Canna- Butter.....

Edibles: How to Make Canna-Butter and Canna-Oil

The process to make canna-butter and canna-oil are the same, but I prefer to make my extractions using whole buds, not leaves or stems because the better and stronger the cannabis you use, the better the final product will be. It is best to make a strong extraction and dilute it to personal tastes with plain butter or oil when you prepare a meal.
You can extract cannabis into any cooking oil, I personally choose coconut oil for its health benefits. Additionally, it has a high fat content which means it binds to a lot more of the cannabinoids you are trying to ingest.
Most of my recipes suggest a serving size that contains between 2-3 teaspoons of medicated butter or oil. If I am planning a progressive dinner I will use less in each of the courses so I don’t overwhelm my guests. On occasion I will offer a medicated garnish that is optional, some folks can use it if they wish.


1 ounce dried cannabis flower
2 cups butter or two cups oil; coconut, canola, olive, peanut


Large saucepan
Wooden spoon
Large clear bowl or container
String, rubber band or tape


Step 1
Place the marijuana in a food processor or blender. A coffee grinder will work as well, the finer the powder the better.
Step 2
Place a large saucepan on the stove and add enough water so that it is about four to five inches deep. The most important thing to remember is that the marijuana needs to be a good two inches from the bottom of the pan at all times.
Step 3
When the water is at a full boil add the butter and allow it to melt fully.
Step 4
Once the butter has melted, turn down the heat to low and add the marijuana. The mixture needs to cook slow and low, so be prepared to have it on the stove for about 3 hours, and never allow it to boil. Boiling is harmful to the cannabinoids. Stir the mixture every fifteen minutes.
Step 5
At the start of the process the mixture will look watery and the cannabis not yet incorporated. The butter will begin to change color, and the mixture will begin to appear dark and thick. It is a striking difference that is virtually impossible to miss.
Step 6
While the canna-butter is cooking set up the bowl to hold the finished product. Place a double layer of cheesecloth over the top of the bowl. Hold it in place with tape, string or a rubber band. Make sure to leave a little slack in the cheesecloth so you don’t make a big mess when you pour in the mixture.
Step 7
When the mixture is thick and glossy, strain the marijuana butter over the bowl, carefully so as not to spill. When the saucepan is empty carefully undo the twine or rubber band, pick up the cheesecloth from all four sides and squeeze out all of the remaining butter. Remember that everything will be hot, so be careful. This part of the process can also be a bit of a mess, but well worth it!
Step 8
Allow the canna-butter to cool for a couple of hours. It’s never good to put something hot in the fridge. Place in the refrigerator until the butter and water has separated. The butter will have risen to the top layer and become solid. The THC and other properties have now attached to the butter, and you are just about there.
Step 9
Run a knife around the edge of the bowl and lift the butter off.
Step 10
Place upside down on your work surface and scrape off any of the cooking water. Your canna-butter is ready. Enjoy!
Laurie has been writing recipes and cookbooks for many years. She is a food editor at two national magazines and has a degree from New York University in English and Sociology and an Associate's degree from the Culinary Institute of America. Laurie is particularly happy these days, partly due to her possessing a medical marijuana license for a seizure condition now completely and utterly gone. The dearth of good quality edible marijuana products compelled her to team up with MaryJane and rock the medible marijuana world. Laurie and Maryjane products are only available at dispensaries in the Portland, Oregon area.


Is this hillside hiding the world's oldest pyramid? Ancient structure in Indonesia could be up to 20,000 years old

  • Geologist claims the site in West Java could be 9,000 to 20,000 years old
  • Dr Danny Hilman says man-made hillside hides a pyramid structure
  • Tests have established parts of the structure date to 7,000 BC
  • Could re-write pre-history, but other experts claim excavation is flawed
Egypt’s oldest pyramid was built almost 5,000 years ago but a similar structure hidden beneath rubble could be up to four times older.
If true, the claim could rewrite prehistory and shed light on an obscure yet powerful and advanced ancient civilisation.
Geologist Dr Danny Hilman believes that a site in West Java is revered because it hides an ancient temple built between 9,000 and 20,000 years ago.
Scroll down for video 
A geologist claims that the world's oldest pyramid is hidden under rubble (pictured) in West Java, which if true, could re-write pre-history in the region and shed light on a powerful and advanced ancient civilisation
A geologist claims that the world's oldest pyramid is hidden under rubble (pictured) in West Java, which if true, could re-write pre-history in the region and shed light on a powerful and advanced ancient civilisation
The Megalithic site of Gunung Padang was discovered in 1914 and is the largest site of its kind in Indonesia. 
It is nestled among volcanoes, banana palms and tea plantations, at 2,903 ft (885 metres) above sea level some 75 miles (120km) south of Jakarta.
Chunks of volcanic rubble jut out up from the stepped hillside, which is considered sacred by the Sundanese people who live locally.
Geologist Dr Danny Hilman believes the site is culturally important is because it is an ancient pyramid which was built between 9,000 and 20,000 years ago.
He suggests that it may have been built for worship or astronomy. 
The megalithic site of Gunung Padang (pictured) was discovered in 1914 and is the largest site of its kind in Indonesia. It's nestled among volcanoes banana and tea plantations, at 2,903 ft (885 metres) above sea level
The megalithic site of Gunung Padang (pictured) was discovered in 1914 and is the largest site of its kind in Indonesia. It's nestled among volcanoes banana and tea plantations, at 2,903 ft (885 metres) above sea level
Chunks of volcanic rubble stick up from the stepped hillside (pictured), which is considered sacred by the Sundanese people who live locally. Geologist Dr Danny Hilman thinks the reason the site is so revered is that it is an ancient pyramid which was built between 9,000 and 20,000 years ago
Chunks of volcanic rubble stick up from the stepped hillside (pictured), which is considered sacred by the Sundanese people who live locally. Geologist Dr Danny Hilman thinks the reason the site is so revered is that it is an ancient pyramid which was built between 9,000 and 20,000 years ago


If the structure in West Java is revealed to be a 20,000-year-old pyramid, it will be the oldest on Earth.
In 1996, archaeologists discovered pyramids on the Atlantic coast of southern Brazil that sate to around 3,000 BC, making them a few hundred years older than Egypt's oldest pyramid.
But both civilisations built them for religious reasons.
The Brazilian pyramids are made from shells and were probably built in phases over decades or even centuries, The Independent reported. 
For years, experts thought the pyramids were simply piles of domestic rubbish.
Egypt’s oldest known pyramid is the step pyramid of Djoser, which was built in around 2,700 BC.
It was built by a master builder called Imhotep for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser and is composed of six steps.
the ancient structure was rocked by a pyramid in 1992, leaving it unstable with a large hole in its domed roof, but restoration is underway.
If this is true, prehistoric people would have had to manoeuvre chunks of volcanic rock onto terraces built on the mountainside and stack them on top of each other to create a pyramid – a considerable feat of ancient engineering.
Dr Hilman, a senior geologist at Indonesia’s Centre for Geotechnical Research, says that proof of the structure’s organisation lies underground.
His excavations have been backed by the Indonesian government, which recently decreed that the upper part of Gunung Padang is 'the largest megalithic structure in south-east Asia,' The Sydney Morning Herald reported.
President Yudhoyono dubbed the dig a ‘task of history…of important value to humanity.' and it has yielded some ancient artefacts.
Dr Hilman said: ‘People think the prehistoric age was primitive, but this monument proves that wrong.’
He believes such a pyramid would be proof of an advanced ancient civilisation in Java and said that the majority of the stepped site is man-made, perhaps built by generations over a matter of centuries.
The geologist is now working to establish the authenticity of the site. 
Some rocks were originally stuck together with a form of ancient glue and have been carbon dated to be around 7,000 BC. 
Dr Hilman said that the ruins hide walls and rooms with steps and terraces below, which are evidence of a complex building. 
Dr Hilman said: ‘People think the prehistoric age was primitive, but this monument proves that wrong.’ Some rocks were originally stuck together with a form of ancient glue and have been carbon dated to be around 7,000 BC. The site is thought to have been built for worship or astronomy
Dr Hilman said: ‘People think the prehistoric age was primitive, but this monument proves that wrong.’ Some rocks were originally stuck together with a form of ancient glue and have been carbon dated to be around 7,000 BC. The site is thought to have been built for worship or astronomy
The site (marked on the map) is nestled among volcanoes, banana palms and tea plantations, at 2,903 ft (885 metres) above sea level some 75 miles (120km) south of Jakarta, and south east of Sukabumi City (marked)
The site (marked on the map) is nestled among volcanoes, banana palms and tea plantations, at 2,903 ft (885 metres) above sea level some 75 miles (120km) south of Jakarta, and south east of Sukabumi City (marked)
The terraces are bordered by retaining walls of stone that can be accessed by 400 steps rising around 311 ft (95 metres).
The structure is covered with massive rectangular stones of volcanic origin.
It has been subjected to multiple geoelectric surveys, where ground penetrating radar and samples have been used.
From this, he believes the terraced hill is 328 ft (100 metres) thick and is made up of a number of layers.
He said that so far man-made structures have been detected 49 ft (15 metres) underground. 
Experts dated rock between nine and 13 ft (three and four metres) below the surface as 6,500 years old and 12,500 years old below the surface.
However, Dr Hilman’s controversial findings are disputed and 34 Indonesian archaeologists and geologists have submitted a petition criticising the projects’ methods and motives.
They say that the excavation threatens the preservation of the site as it is and are annoyed at the prospect of involving civilian archaeologists in the excavation.
Volcanologist Sutikno Bronto believes that the structure isn’t a pyramid at all, but the neck of an old volcano and that the stones surveyed have been weathered by nature instead of being cut by humans.
Another anonymous expert is sceptical that such an ancient civilisation could have been advanced enough to build a pyramid so many thousands of years ago, when tools recovered from a nearby cave, dating to 7,000 BC were very primitive.
The terraces are bordered by retaining walls of stone (pictured) that can be accessed by 400 steps rising around 311 ft (95 metres). They date to at least 5,000 BC
The terraces are bordered by retaining walls of stone (pictured) that can be accessed by 400 steps rising around 311 ft (95 metres). They date to at least 5,000 BC

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